Marital Unity For The Family

Mrs. America renders two blows in Episode Five. Not only did the episode attack Phyllis Schlafly’s character, it also thwarted the tradition of marriage. 

Within the episode, marriage is already on the defense when Fred Schlafly is having his photo taken. The photographer wants Phyllis in the photo, but she declines. Standing aside, her hand is seen tipping the scales on Fred’s desk, signifying marriage’s imbalance.  

The Fasteaus’ marriage is painted as a perfect unit, but it too is having its struggles as Brenda engages in a lesbian affair. Unlike the traditional marriage of Phyllis and Fred, this type of “experimenting” is painted as being acceptable. Their predicament calls for the audience’s empathy because Brenda is just not sure who she is.

This is preposterous. Hollywood is portraying traditional marriage as a lopsided trap. They imply that a monogamous marriage between man and woman stifles the dreams of the ensnared spouses. Such nonsense is a lie, but it promotes Hollywood’s homosexual agenda.

Homosexuality is liberating and is free of difficulty in Hollywood’s eyes. What Hollywood fails to realize is that a traditional marriage liberates each individual through personal sacrifice. Sacrifice demands placing the good of another before oneself. When each side enacts this, both individuals are cared for and free to act as a unit. This unity allows for the ultimate sacrifice–a lifelong commitment to raise children together. Children thrive in a home with a mother and father. One man and one woman both provide essential elements in raising a child biologically, mentally, and emotionally. Homosexual unions limit children’s development in these fundamental areas. 

The real Phyllis and Fred’s marriage exemplified self-sacrifice and teamwork. To save face, Hollywood portrays it as a perfervid union distressed by Phyllis’s new work. On the other hand, the Feigen-Fasteau couple is imagined to be the “dream couple.”

Hollywood is highlighting the “plight” of traditional marriage to appeal to the audience’s pathos. At the time of the debate, the Schlaflys had been married thirty-five years. The Schlaflys demonstrated that marriage is not based solely on emotions. It is a union that demands the self-sacrificing love of each individual for the good of one another and the family. Phyllis’s beliefs superseded bare emotional appeal, encompassing emotion, logic, and credibility all infused with spirituality.