Carol Felsenthal wrote one of the most definitive biographies of Phyllis Schlafly in 1981. Called The Sweetheart of the Silent Majority, it takes a deep dive into Phyllis’s personal life as well as her fight against the Equal Rights Amendment. If you want to learn more about the real Mrs. America, this book is well worth reading.

Make no mistake, Felsenthal is no Schlafly acolyte. In fact, her first exposure to Phyllis was writing a scathing review of her book The Power of the Positive Woman. Carol quickly found Phyllis to be an interesting and important woman worthy of a full biography. She specifically opted not to write an authorized biography so she could have the freedom to be critical of Phyllis where she thought it was warranted.
To help you navigate this seminal work on Phyllis Schlafly, our friend Jennifer Coulter has assembled the study guide below. See how many answers you can find!
Sweetheart-of-the-Silent-Majority-Study-Guide-1An answer key will be released at a later date.