Photo of the Day

This photo was taken the day after Phyllis Schlafly won a difficult primary race for the U.S. House. She still got up and prepared breakfast for her family like she every day.

Photo of the Day

Phyllis Schlafly spoke to crowds of all sizes. Whether it was a national television show or a hostile college campus, she was never afraid to engage in an open dialogue.

FACT CHECK: Mrs. America Smears Phyllis Schlafly’s Pro-Life Legacy

Mrs. America‘s Phyllis Schlafly took on the pro-life cause to make friends who would increase her own power. The REAL Phyllis Schlafly was a true champion of the sanctity of life. She literally made the Republican Party pro-life in 1976. Her friends like Lottie Beth Hobbs were honored to join in her fight. Here’s Ed Martin …

FACT CHECK: Mrs. America Smears Phyllis Schlafly’s Pro-Life Legacy Read More »